
This blog has been set up for region 7 members of the International Feltmakers Association to share their work, interesting web links and anything else felty. Come and join us!


its great that you have found us. This blog will only be as good as the
information contributed by you. Feel free to make comments on posts that are
already there. If you want to contribute new posts email

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Monday 17 May 2010

Marietta Alker - 4th September 2010

We are now taking members bookings for a workshop using 3D resists to make interesting seamless shapes and to add unusual textures

with Marietta Alker
in Bury St Edmunds
on 4th September 2010
members £31
non-members £36

non-members will be invited to reserve places next week (22nd May 2010)

1 comment:

  1. The response to this workshop has been so great that we have arranged a repeat workshop the following day, Sunday 5th September 2010.
    Both workshops will be held in Bury St Edmunds. Bookings are now open to members and non-members, email if you would like a place. :-)
