
This blog has been set up for region 7 members of the International Feltmakers Association to share their work, interesting web links and anything else felty. Come and join us!


its great that you have found us. This blog will only be as good as the
information contributed by you. Feel free to make comments on posts that are
already there. If you want to contribute new posts email

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Sunday 11 April 2010

show and tell - we had a great time!

Last Saturday we thoroughly enjoyed and learnt a lot from the wide variety of felted work that we brought to show and discuss with each other.
A BIG thank you to Jean and her husband who travelled a long way to bring us a variety of fleece which she had washed and offerred to us for a small donation to Essex Wildlife Trust. Jean had planned to spend the whole day with us but unexpectedly had to rush off. Hopfully, now she has met us, we will see her at future felting events.

"We were all completely blown away by Isobels wrap and Doreens Green Man.

Inspired by the colours and textures of an oyster shell
you can see how Isobels experience in design has impacted on this piece.

The green man will soon be part of a large wall hanging being assembled for Cressing Temple Barns by her weavers, spinners and dyers guild."
We marvelled at each others work, swapped ideas and gave encouragement. Not suprisingly it was the problems which gave rise to the most discussion!

"This hat and scarf were brought along for advice. The makers were not acheiving their desired results. Funny how we are our own worst critics. Hopefully we were helpful!"

Needle felting and samples of felt made from different fleece. Gosh cashmere is soft!

"Hat, napkin rings, fascinating flowers and a scarf used to develop previously learnt skills."

We heard about the challenges of the city and guilds courses;

Inspired by brickwork Diana brought a 'small' selection of samples
she has been making for her City and Guilds Part II.
She has been unbelievably prolific and creative.
I'll never look at a brick in the same light again!
We discussed the way forward for our group;
  • Deborah and Heidi are happy to continue as joint regional coordinators.
  • workshops already planned, wishes and requests (just a few details still to be resolved - see future post)
  • we will keep Bury St Edmunds as our main venue but if other venues and someone willing to organise it can be identified they will be considered. Home groups to be encouraged.
  • a small group has agreed to explore and take forward the much discussed idea of exhibiting
  • members are keen to be able to promote the group to potential members and at outside events. To ask IFA for more leaflets, to loan the IFA banner and to purchase our own business cards with contact information.
  • Deborah and Heidi are willing and able to be a conduit for any information which individual members would like to be distributed to the rest of the group.
  • we have a healthy bank balance. We are no longer required to donate regional money to HQ.
With Gill's guidance, we finished off the day felting a flower over our thumbs.

thanks to Anne for the photo's,
we are sorry we could not include everyone
thank you all for sharing your skills; knowledge and experience.